Silence At Every Turn

At Every Opportunity, Obama Chose Secrecy Instead Of Cooperating With The Investigation Into “Fast And Furious” _____________________________________________________________________ OBAMA PROMISED TO BRING A NEW ERA OF TRANSPARENCY TO THE WHITE HOUSE Obama: “My Administration Is Committed To Creating An Unprecedented Level Of Openness In Government.” (President Barack Obama, Memorandum For The Heads Of Executive Departments And Agencies:

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RNC Message on POW/MIA Recognition Day

WASHINGTON – RNC Chairman Reince Priebus and Co-Chair Sharon Day released the following statement in recognition of National POW/MIA Recognition Day: “On this day, we remember and pay tribute to those brave Americans who went to war but did not come home. And we honor the bravery of those who have suffered as prisoners of war,

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Obama’s “Moral Standing”

The Obama Administration Is In Denial About Declining Popularity Abroad _____________________________________________________________________ U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice Denied That America’s Popularity Abroad Has Declined Under Obama. ABC’s JAKE TAPPER: “Look at this map if you will, there have been protests around the world over the last several days. President Obama pledged to repair America’s relationships with the Muslim

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Stuck Between A Rahm And A Union

The Chicago Teachers Union Strike Puts Obama In An Awkward Position And Could Create A “Political Hazard” For His Re-Election _____________________________________________________________________ THE CHICAGO TEACHERS’ STRIKE IS PUTTING OBAMA BETWEEN HIS FORMER CHIEF OF STAFF RAHM EMANUEL AND THE UNION WHICH ENDORSED HIM The Strike “Creates A Political Hazard” For Obama. “A strike by Chicago teachers creates

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The Anniversary of September 11

WASHINGTON – Republican National Committee (RNC) Chairman Reince Priebus and RNC Co-Chair Sharon Day released the following statement on the eleventh anniversary of September 11th: “Today we pause to remember those we lost eleven years ago on September 11, 2001,” said RNC Chairman Reince Priebus. “In prayer and in silence across America, we will honor the

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RNC Chairman Reince Priebus Statement on the August Unemployment Report

WASHINGTON – Republican National Committee (RNC) Chairman Reince Priebus released the following statement on the August unemployment report: “Just hours after President Obama asked America for a second term, we received a clear reminder that he has yet to keep his number one promise to fix the economy,” said RNC Chairman Reince Priebus. “The indisputable message

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Obama Moves Forward, Leaves Unemployed Behind

Hours After Obama Failed To Mention The Unemployed In His DNC Speech, The White House Is Out Spinning That Today’s Dismal Jobs Report Is Evidence That We Are “Steadily Healing” _____________________________________________________________________ At Obama’s DNC Acceptance Speech, He Mentioned The Unemployed Zero Times Out Of 4,771 Words. (President Barack Obama, Remarks At The Democratic National Convention, Charlotte, NC,

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Is Anyone Better Off?

The Coalitions That Elected Obama Are Struggling Under His Failed Policies _____________________________________________________________________ YOUNG PEOPLE ARE “THE BIGGEST LOSERS” FROM THE OBAMA ECONOMY “Young People May Be The Biggest Losers Of The Economic Recession.” “Young people may be the biggest losers of the economic recession. According to the new 2010 census data released Thursday, the country’s young

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Does Anyone Actually Think We Are Better Off With Obama’s Record Of Failure?

Does Anyone Actually Think We Are Better Off With Obama’s Record Of Failure? _____________________________________________________________________ OBAMA’S THE “FIRST ONE TO SAY WE’RE NOT WHERE WE NEED TO BE” AND THAT WE’RE “NOT BETTER OFF” THAN FOUR YEARS AGO Obama: “I’m The First One To Say We’re Not Where We Need To Be.” THE ASSOCIATED PRESS’S BEN FELLER: “Put

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