The Anniversary of September 11

WASHINGTON – Republican National Committee (RNC) Chairman Reince Priebus and RNC Co-Chair Sharon Day released the following statement on the eleventh anniversary of September 11th:

“Today we pause to remember those we lost eleven years ago on September 11, 2001,” said RNC Chairman Reince Priebus. “In prayer and in silence across America, we will honor the innocent lives lost in senseless acts of evil. We will remember, too, the acts of selfless valor witnessed that day. From patriots on Flight 93 to the first responders who courageously worked to save their fellow Americans, the bravery in the midst of terror inspired and united a nation.”

“We owe unyielding gratitude to our military men and women who have died defending our freedom, and we continue to pray for those serving overseas. We honor all who brought justice to those who brought hate to our shores, and we remain committed to a strong national defense against the terrorists and extremists who to this day seek to do us harm.”

“We all remember that dark day, where we were and what we were doing,” said RNC Co-Chair Sharon Day. “But we also remember the lesson we learned: nothing can destroy the American spirit. If we remain steadfast in our defense of liberty, our children will inherit a more peaceful world.

“May God bring comfort to the families of the victims of 9/11 this day, and may He always bless the United States of America.”



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September 11, 2012

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