Obama Steers America Towards Disaster

Obama’s Failure To Lead Will Leave Americans Saddled With A Massive Debt, Broken Entitlement System, And Wounded Economy THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION ADMITS THEY DON’T HAVE A PLAN TO PAY FOR THEIR LIBERAL POLICIES This Chart From Obama’s Budget Shows The President’s Plan To Let Our Debt Skyrocket Source: Budget Of The United States Government, Fiscal

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Biden Reveals What Everyone Already Knew

Biden Reveals What Everyone Already Knew: Obama’s Actions Are Guided Purely By Politics “IF BIDEN HADN’T SAID SOMETHING, I DON’T THINK HE WOULD HAVE SAID ANYTHING EITHER.” Vice President Biden Forced “Obama’s Hand On The Issue” Of Gay Marriage.“President Obama’s decision to express support for gay marriage in an interview with ABC’s Robin Roberts is

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Happy Graduation?

Obama’s Commencement Address Probably Won’t Mention How His Policies Have Made The Job Market Tougher For College Grads _____________________________________________________________________ TODAY, OBAMA WILL DELIVER THE COMMENCEMENT ADDRESS AT BARNARD COLLEGE Obama Will Give The Commencement Address At Barnard College, After Bumping Jill Abramson Who Was Previously Scheduled To Speak. “President Obama will deliver the keynote address at

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Not On His Watch

Obama Has Avoided Making “The Hard Decisions” On The Debt, Leaving The Situation Worse After Almost Four Years Under His Watch President-Elect Obama In 2009: “We Have To Signal Seriousness In This By Making Sure Some Of The Hard Decisions Are Made Under My Watch, Not Someone Else’s.”(Michael D. Shear, “Obama Pledges Entitlement Reform,” The Washington

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A Day in the Life

The Celebrity-In-Chief Fundraises With Celebrities “Studio City Residents Are Bracing For A Glitzy, Celebrity-Packed, Traffic-Jam-Inducing Fundraiser In Their Backyard On Thursday, When George Clooney Hosts A Re-Election Bash For President Obama.” (Susan Abram, “George Clooney Hosting Obama Fundraiser At His Studio City Home Thursday,” Los Angeles Daily News, 5/8/12) OBAMA’S WEST COAST FUNDRAISERS ARE MARKED BY BIG

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Obama Sidesteps Reality

Obama’s New Ads Tout His Policies As A Success, But For Millions Of Americans Dealing With His Failures That’s Hard To Believe _____________________________________________________________________ “The Tampa Bay Times’ Adam C. Smith Reports The Obama Campaign Is On Air In Florida With Two New Ads – One Touting The Auto Bailout And The Other Emphasizing President Obama’s

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Squeeze At The Pump

While Americans Struggle With High Energy Costs, Obama’s Policies Will Make It Harder For Families To Make Ends Meet AMERICANS ARE STRUGGLING AS GAS PRICES REMAIN HIGH Gas Prices Have Doubled Since Obama Took Office When Obama Took Office, The Price For A Gallon Of Regular Gasoline Was $1.847.(Energy Information Administration, Accessed 5/8/12) On May

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Federal Inmate No. 11593-051

Obama Loses Large Share Of Vote In West Virginia To A Felon Doing Time In Texas “Prisoner #11593-051 At A Federal Correctional Institution In Texas Put Up Strong Numbers In Tuesday’s Primary Election In West Virginia.” (“Texas Inmate Picking Up Presidential Votes,” West Virginia MetroNews Network, 5/8/12) LAST NIGHT, OBAMA LOST OVER 40 PERCENT OF WEST

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