U.S. Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) in Mobile Today

U.S. Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) in Mobile Today

Talks Federal Budget and Midterm Elections with ALGOP in Mobile


MOBILE – The Alabama Republican Party hosted United States Senator Rand Paul (R-Kentucky) at a Roundtable Breakfast in Mobile this morning. The breakfast was attended by many Mobile and Baldwin County businessmen and businesswomen gathered to hear Sen. Paul, a possible 2016 presidential candidate, speak on the current climate of Washington D.C. politics and current national issues.

ALGOP Chairman Bill Armistead made the following comment regarding the event:

“Sen. Rand Paul proved to be a very eloquent and informed senator this morning as he met with business leaders in the Mobile/Baldwin County area who are supportive of the Alabama Republican Party. Senator Paul has been at the forefront of the Republican fight to protect the rights of citizens and to stand in the gap against the overreach of the federal government. He not only knows the issues facing the nation today, but he has common sense solutions to get our country back on track.

“One of the common sense issues that Sen. Paul spoke of was how ObamaCare is affecting the average person. He pointed out that it was a travesty that you can now receive free birth control and diet pills under ObamaCare but in some instances you cannot get proper cancer treatment. Sen. Paul predicted that there will be major insurance premium increases this summer, which could lead to more Americans voting for Republicans in the mid-term elections. He predicted that Republicans will gain the 6 seats needed to win control of the U.S. Senate.

“Sen. Paul is one of several nationally recognized Republican leaders who will be coming to Alabama in the coming months. Since we moved our presidential primary up to March, many of the candidates who are considering running for President will be coming to our state.”

The following is a brief synopsis of Sen. Rand Paul’s roundtable discussion this morning:

Senator Paul said the biggest problem currently facing our federal budget is entitlements. Nearly two-thirds of the federal budget is entitlements. He stated that in a recent meeting with President Obama and Vice-President Biden, he suggested that they all work together like President Reagan and Tip O’Neill did with a variety of issues.

Medicare is $35-45 trillion in debt and now we are adding more debt through ObamaCare, the Senator noted. Sen. Paul did not hesitate in stating that he would have voted to increase the debt ceiling initially if a balanced budget amendment was included. He was adamant that entitlements must be reduced. He gave the example that the government was paying for a $3 million advertisement of a water skiing squirrel to promote the sale of walnuts. Congress voted 300-90 to keep the funding for the ad. Senator Paul rhetorically asked, “If we cannot cut $3 million for a squirrel how can we cut entitlements?”

Senator Paul finished his talk of the budget with stating that its number one priority should be national defense and that cutting taxes will stimulate the economy and is the only way to increase jobs.

Speaking of the future of the party, the senator believes we will not lose elections by being bold on the economy. Federal funds have restrictions, he said, and we should require photo IDs to vote or receive welfare.

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Alabama Republican Party