RNC Releases “State Sponsors of Plouffe”

WASHINGTON – The Republican National Committee releases “State Sponsors of Plouffe” as more information surfaces about how top Obama advisor David Plouffe took money from a company that did business with Iran just months after he announced he was joining the Obama Administration. Even though Barack Obama promised to change Washington, his actions–and the actions of his top advisors — speak otherwise. 

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“President Obama came to Washington on the mantle that he was going to change how things were done,” said RNC Chairman Reince Priebus. “He made a bunch of promises to turn the economy around and focus on unemployment but all he’s been doing lately is raising money for his campaign. Now, it’s been revealed that one of his top aides took $100,000 from a company that did business with Iran after he announced he was going to work for the Obama Administration. Four years later, Americans are beginning to realize that Barack Obama is just another typical politician–willing to say anything to get elected.”




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August 8, 2012

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