What Else Was The Department Of Energy Trying To Cover Up About Solyndra And The Loan Program?

What Else Was The Department Of Energy Trying To Cover Up About Solyndra And The Loan Program? _____________________________________________________________________ Former Executive Director Of Energy Department’s Loan Program Office Jonathan Silver Warned That Including Personal E-Mail Addresses On DOE E-Mail Made Them “Subpoenable.” “‘Don’t ever send an email on doe email with a personal email addresses,’ Silver wrote

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“The Obama Medicare Plan: Rob it and Let it Die”

Chairman Priebus: “The Obama Medicare Plan: Rob it and Let it Die” Excerpts from Townhall By: Chairman Reince Priebus August 15, 2012 “Gov. Romney and Congressman Ryan have something President Obama does not: A plan to save Medicare. “That’s right, for all their scare tactics, President Obama and Democrats have no plan whatsoever to preserve Medicare

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Mr. President, We Have a Few Questions

  RNC Releases Graphic “Mr. President, We Have A Few Questions”WASHINGTON – The Republican National Committee is out with a new graphic “Mr. President, We Have A Few Questions” that includes 10 questions that President Obama needs to answer. It has been nearly eight weeks since he has taken questions from the White House press corps,

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RNC Releases “Achievement” WASHINGTON – The Republican National Committee is releasing “Achievement” to shed light on President Obama’s cuts to Medicare. While demagoguing the Romney-Ryan approach to saving Medicare, President Obama is the only one to actually cut over $700 billion dollars from current retirees–and he thinks it’s an ‘achievement.’ Web video can be viewed here. Download

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“Hope and Change”

Republican National Committee Airs TV Ad “Hope and Change” WASHINGTON – The Republican National Committee is airing the television ad “Hope and Change” highlighting the failed promises of Barack Obama. Four years ago Candidate Obama disillusioned millions of Americans by campaigning on a message of ‘Hope and Change.’ It is clear that today his promises were

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It’s Not Working

Obama Claims His General Rule Is To Do Something Else If Something Is Not Working _____________________________________________________________________ Today, Obama Said On Deficits “My General Rule Is, If I Do Something, And It Doesn’t Work, And Then I Do It Again And It Doesn’t Work Again, I Stop Doing It. I Stop Doing It. I Try Something

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Obama’s Fight to End Coal

Under Obama, Coal Plants Are Idling Operations, Closing Plants, Laying Off Americans, And Filing For Bankruptcy _____________________________________________________________________ While Campaigning For President In 2008, Barack Obama Said That His Program Would Bankrupt Coal-Powered Plants. OBAMA: “So, if somebody wants to build a coal plant, they can – it’s just that it will bankrupt them, because they are

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What Happened to Hope and Change?

What Happened To Hope And Change? _____________________________________________________________________ PROMISE: After Winning The 2008 Iowa Caucuses, Obama Said “Change Is Coming To America.” OBAMA: “We are choosing hope over fear. (Cheers, applause.) We’re choosing unity over division and sending a powerful message that change is coming to America. (Cheers, applause.)” (Senator Barack Obama, Remarks In Des Moines, IA, 1/3/08)

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RNC Announces Convention Platform Subcommittee Chairs

WASHINGTON – Today RNC Chairman Reince Priebus, Governor Bob McDonnell, Senator John Hoeven and Congressman Marsha Blackburn announced the subcommittee leadership for the 2012 Republican National Convention Committee on Resolutions, commonly known as the Platform Committee. “I am pleased to announce the 2012 GOP Platform Subcommittee chairs who will be instrumental as the Republican Party outlines

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RNC Statement on the White House’s Transparency Hypocrisy

WASHINGTON – The Republican National Committee (RNC) Chairman Reince Priebus released the following statement regarding the White House’s questionable actions with regard to Solyndra and Iran:    “Today’s headlines reveal more ethically questionable conduct by a member of President Obama’s inner circle, adding to a growing pattern of behavior,” said RNC Chairman Reince Priebus. “Senior White

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