ALGOP Chairman Responds to AEA Statement on Proposed Standing Rule Change

Alabama Republican Party Chairman John Wahl issued the following in response to the AEA’s statement on ALGOP’s proposed standing rule change.

“It’s ironic that the AEA would take offense to my comments regarding woke policies, considering they are affiliates of the NEA, who make no secret of their promoting transgender and woke policies. If they are serious about supporting Alabama values, they are free to disassociate from the NEA at any time.  It’s also important to remember that just a few weeks ago, they sent an update to their members promoting that a divisive concepts bill was defeated, and bragging about how they killed school choice, and opposed the Republican-led effort by the state legislature to cut the state grocery tax.”

Attachments Below:

  • Screenshot of the NEA’s website (, which identifies the AEA as its Alabama affiliate.
  • Screenshot of the June 9, 2023 issue of Capital Pulse, the AEA newsletter.
Click the picture to go to the NEA affiliates page on their website.
Click the picture to read the June 9, 2023 Capital Pulse, the AEA newsletter.


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Alabama Republican Party