ALGOP Chairman: Removing “Easter” From Public Schools is a Step Closer to Dismantling Christianity in America

Huntsville, AL – Earlier in the week Lydia Davenport, the principal at Madison’s Heritage Elementary School, informed teachers and faculty there would be no activities centered or planned around religious holidays in order to promote “religious diversity” among students. Teachers were then forced to remove the word “Easter” from their planned Easter Egg hunt for the kids.

Heritage Elementary students were then told the traditional activity was going to be called the “Quiz Bowl Egg Hunt.” Davenport went on to say this regarding the Easter Bunny, “Kids love the bunny,” smiles Davenport, “and we just make sure we don’t say ‘the Easter bunny’ so that we don’t infringe on the rights of others because people relate the Easter bunny to religion; a bunny is a bunny and a rabbit is a rabbit,” Davenport concluded.

After an out-pour of angry parents contacted media and the school board, Madison City Superintendent Dee Fowler came forward and reversed the liberal principles decision. “After a conversation, it was decided the hunt was not in violation of any policies or procedures, and that it could proceed as planned,” said Fowler in a statement he issued on Thursday. Fowler continued by saying, “This principal made an ‘ over-correction.’ Similar seasonal activities will continue in the school system going forward. This includes Easter egg hunts and exchanging Christmas gifts.”

ALGOP Chairman Bill Armistead responds by saying:

“I would like to commend Madison City Schools Superintendent Dee Fowler for reinstating the use of the word “Easter” in Heritage Elementary School and all schools in the Madison City School System.  The fact that the principal at Heritage Elementary School  told the elementary children that they would no longer be able to use the word “Easter” when referring to their annual Easter egg hunt is appalling to me.  Removing the word ‘Easter’ in the name of promoting ‘religious diversity’ are the codewords that atheists and liberals have used to justify their attack on Christianity.  This is the type of national liberalism we must fight here in Alabama and across our nation and I am saddened to see that Alabama made a national headline, “If Easter Can Be Banned in Alabama, It Can Be Banned Anywhere”. (Washington Times)

“Atheists have tried to remove God from our currency, “Under God” from our Pledge of Allegiance, the Ten Commandments and Christmas manger scenes from public property.  And, now an Alabama principal wants to remove Easter from an Easter celebration.  It is time for God-fearing people all over this country to stand up and say “enough is enough”.  We can no longer tolerate the dismantling of our Christian heritage.

“It is interesting to me that you never hear atheists complaining about Muslims worshiping Muhammed in Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran or even in America.  And, of course, they teach Islam in their government schools.  Even some schools in California are said to be teaching Islam.  But, not Christianity.  America needs to open its eyes to the dismantling of our Christian heritage.  We are slowly losing our identity as a Christian nation (even though Barack Obama says we are not a Christian nation) and it is shocking to learn that a principal in Madison, Alabama pushed this week to further remove our school children from any association with the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

“As Christians celebrate Easter and its true meaning – the resurrection of Jesus Christ the son of God – we must be more vigilant than ever to stand up for our freedom to worship.  Make no mistake about it, there are those right here in the United States of America who will continue their efforts to dismantle Christianity here and abroad.  Christians are being persecuted every day in other parts of the world and we should not be surprised to see more evidence of persecuted Christians here in America unless we stand up for our right to worship Jesus Christ whose resurrection we are celebrating this weekend,” concludes Chairman Armistead.

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