On Wednesday, the television world said goodbye to David Letterman as he hosted his last show. One of Mr. Letterman’s famous and most entertaining segments was called ‘Stupid Pet Tricks’. If you’ve never seen one of the spots, here’s a link to the very first one.
From every walk of life, people came to Letterman’s show to put their pets’ talents on display. It drew the viewer into watching things you didn’t think could happen and then we would think “How do they do that?” Then he caught our attention with ‘Stupid Human Tricks’.
So in honor of Mr. Letterman’s final week I have put together my list of “Stupid Democrat Tricks”. It’s a long (and very incomplete) list because, well, this stuff is stupid:
-Booing the Chair at the 2012 Democrat National Convention for trying to add “God” back into their platform after it had been removed in Committee
In case you missed that one, click here.
-Passing a bill before you read a bill (Pelosi on ObamaCare)
-Exclaiming America to “be a nation of cowards” (Eric Holder)
-Claiming “men do often need maternity care” (Secretary of HHS Siebelus)
-Pretending to be broke when they left the White House (The Clintons)
-Making time to visit with superstars JayZ and Beyoncé but not with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu (Obama)
-Believing that only Indians work in 7/11’s or Dunkin’ Donuts (Biden)
-Bragging about visiting all 57 states (Obama)
-Proclaiming that we shouldn’t fear terrorists because they are “mothers and fathers” (Rosie O’Donnell)
-Claiming you invented the Internet (Al Gore)
-Saying there are no terrorist threats to America (Michael Moore)
-Asking a man in a wheelchair to stand up (Joe Biden)
-Wishing you were a socialist nation (Congresswoman Maxine Waters)
-Asking Americans to be limited to one paper square of toilet tissue per bathroom visit (Sheryl Crow)
-Laughing that God was on the Democrat’s side when Hurricane Gustav delayed the 2012 Republican National Convention in Tampa, FL (Former DNC Chair Donald Fowler)
-Asking America after the Benghazi tragedy, “what difference now does it really make?” on finding out the reason it began (Hillary Clinton)
-Proclaiming that children should belong to the community and not the parents (MSNBC ‘s Melissa Harris-Perry)
-Lying to the American people with his “If you like your [health care] plan, you can keep your plan” nonsense (Obama)
-Defending an abortion of a seven pound baby (DNC Chairman Debbie Wasserman Schultz)
-Proclaiming “For the first time in my adult life, I’m really proud of my country” after her husband won the presidency (Michelle Obama)
-Acting like the “smartest woman in the world” doesn’t know how to add an email account on her cell phone and had no one to do it for her (Hillary Clinton)
-Defining what “is” is (Bill Clinton)
A trick is defined as a cunning or skillful act or scheme intended to deceive or outwit someone. Instead of good sound policy for our nation, Democrats, with cover from the media, continue to trick voters. It’s not funny or amusing. It’s simply dangerous.
The economy is stagnant. Nations around the world have lost respect for us. Obama’s executive orders are bypassing our Constitution causing challenges in courts. The IRS is obstructing justice in the hearings on targeting conservative groups. Our immigration policy is a disaster.
Letterman’s ‘Stupid Pet Tricks’ or ‘Stupid Human Tricks’ were funny. The Democrats Stupid Tricks are not funny. They are tragic.
It’s time we stop the Democrats in 2016 by using our votes to outwit their pattern of tricks – from every courthouse to the White House.
It was a lot of information in three days but our focus is very clear.
In Washington, DC I visited the RNC. What a large and busy place! The digital and political departments were scurrying around nonstop. It was very educational to see them in action. A press conference was being held and Governor Scott Walker (R-WI) was next door as well, so the press was everywhere. Exciting times and more to come.
It was a pleasure to have had breakfast with Senator Jeff Sessions, Congressman Bradley Byrne, Congresswoman Martha Roby and Congressman Gary Palmer, along with several Chiefs of Staff. Afterwards, I was able to spend time with Senator Richard Shelby and Senator Sessions, as well as Congressman Robert Aderholt.

They may be in DC but they are focused on Alabama. What a great team!
Alabama peanuts in an Alabama basket are treats in Senator Shelby’s office for visitors. Senator Shelby is still traveling our state to visit every county which he has for over 25 years. Road warrior!
What’s on Senator Sessions’ table in his office? Books on Alabama churches, the Alabama Sports Hall of Fame and the Constitution – a perfect combination.

– Congratulations to our newest Rising Republican Stars: Jackie Gay (District 1), Brandon Shoupe (District 2), Ed Isom (District 3), Kyle South (District 4), Marcia Hastings St. Louis (District 5), Shaun McCutcheon (District 6) and Joel Blankenship (District 7). Read more about each of them here.