Obama By The Numbers

Obama By The Numbers $45.4 Trillion:   Total Federal Spending Proposed By Obama’s FY2013 Budget Through 2022. (CBO, 3/16/12) $25. 9 Trillion:   Projected Federal Debt In 2022 Due To Obama’s Binge Spending. (OMB, 2/13/12) $15.6 Trillion:   Current National Debt ($ 15,671,202,480,642.98 ). (U.S. Treasury Department, Accessed 5/7/12) $10.3 Trillion:   Amount Obama’s FY2012 Budget Would Add To The Debt Through FY2022. (OMB, 2/13/12) $6.4 Trillion:  

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Obama Plays Election-Year Politics While Students Get Squeezed

Students Are Left On The Sidelines As Obama Continues To Play Political Games OBAMA HAS THREATENED TO VETO LEGISLATION THAT WOULD KEEP STUDENT LOAN RATES LOW As Congress Moves Forward, The Obama Administration Promised To Veto House Legislation That Would Extend The Low-Interest Rates For Students. “The Obama administration threatened to veto the House Republican version

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Been There, Done That

Obama’s First To-Do List Left America In The Worst Recovery Since The Great Depression And His Second To-Do List Won’t Help “[P]resident Obama On Tuesday Will Outline A Five-Point ‘To Do’ List For Lawmakers That Packages Job Creation And Mortgage Relief Ideas He Has Proposed Before …”(Jackie Calmes, “Obama Hands Congress Economic ‘To Do’ List,” The

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Biden On Iran: The United States Was “The Problem”

Did Biden Forget About Obama’s Record Of Silence And Failed Policies On Iran? BIDEN BLAMES THE UNITED STATES FOR OBAMA’S FAILURE TO ENGAGE IRAN Biden Told The Rabbinical Assembly That Before Obama, The U.S. Was The Problem. “When we took office, let me remind you, there was virtually no international pressure on Iran. We were the

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Not Going For It

Obama Continues To Hype His Dismal Record In A New Campaign Ad That’s Heavy On Blaming Others For His Failures “IT’S STILL TOO HARD FOR TOO MANY” AND BY THE PRESIDENT’S OWN STANDARD THAT’S UNACCEPTABLE Obama Ad: “We’re Not There Yet, It’s Still Too Hard For Too Many.” (“Go,” Obama For America, 5/7/12) Facts: In 2008, Obama Said “The

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Obama’s Big Squeeze On The Middle Class

Obama Promised To Help The Middle Class But He Has Left Americans With Less In Their Pockets And A Darker Future Ahead Obama On Saturday: “We Measure Prosperity Not Just By Our Total GDP, Not Just By How Many Billionaires We Produce, But How Well The Typical Family Is Doing, Whether They Can Go As Far

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Biden: “They Are Still In Recession”

Vice President Concedes That For Millions Of Unemployed Americans, The Recession Is Very Much Alive And Present Click To Watch On NBC’s “Meet The Press” Today, Vice President Biden Acknowledged Millions Of Americans Are “Still In Recession.” NBC’S DAVID GREGORY: “And the discouragement is real. Recent polling showing three-fourths, 76% of Americans still believe the country is

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Are We Satisfied? Nooo!

Even Obama Supporters – Even Obama Himself – Are Not Satisfied With The President’s Performance President Obama : “Are We Satisfied?” Crowd: “Nooo!” Obama : “Of Course Not.“(President Barack Obama, Campaign Rally, Columbus, OH, 5/5/12) OBAMA: “TOO MANY OF OUR FRIENDS AND FAMILY ARE STILL OUT THERE LOOKING FOR WORK” Obama’s Failed Economic Policies Have Resulted In The Longest Stretch

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Hype And Blame: Obama Blames Others For Doing What He Proposed

Even After Two Unfavorable Fact Checks This Week, Obama Continues To Toss Around Faulty And Misleading Rhetoric On Student Loans Today, Barack Obama Spoke With High School Students Accusing Republicans Of Attacking Women’s Health At The Expense Of Keeping Student Interest Rates Low.OBAMA: “For each year that college doesn’t act, the average student with these

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Hype And Blame: Jobs

Obamanomics Failed To Live Up To The President’s Promises, So Now He Resorts To Blaming Everyone But Himself ON THE CAMPAIGN TRAIL IN 2008, CANDIDATE OBAMA PROMISED MILLIONS OF NEW JOBS Obama Promised Virginians He Would Put Two Million Americans To Work Rebuilding American Infrastructure. OBAMA: “I’ll also put two million more Americans to work rebuilding our

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