The Big Fail: This Is Why Obama Had A Press Conference

Far From “Doing Fine”, Americans Have Lost Faith In Obama’s Ability To Create Jobs And His Failed Policies Have Let Them Down _____________________________________________________________________ President Obama: “It Is Absolutely Clear That The Economy Is Not Doing Fine, That’s The Reason I Had The Press Conference.” (President Barack Obama, Remarks After A Meeting With President Aquino Of The Philippines, Washington

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Democrats Not Fine With Obama’s “Doing Fine” Declaration

Obama’s Own Supporters Disagree Or Dodge On His Assessment That The “Private Sector Is Doing Fine” FORMER OBAMA ECONOMIC ADVISER STEVEN RATTNER: “I’M SAYING IT’S NOT DOING FINE” MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough: “So let’s figure the private sector that the President is talking about. Because if you told him that the corporations were making lots of money,

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They Said It! “Economy Is Not Doing Fine”

Obama Says “The Economy Is Not Doing Fine” But Just Hours Ago Said The “Private Sector Is Doing Fine.” Click To Watch Obama: “The economy is not doing fine. There are too many people out of work. The housing market is still weak and too many homes are underwater.” (President Barack Obama,Remarks, Washington, D.C., 6/8/12) JUST

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Obama’s Spinner Standard

Meet The Guy Who Went From Being CEO Of A Sports Sciences Start-Up To Managing Billions Of Dollars Of Your Money At The Infamous Department Of Energy OBAMA HIRED A SPORTS EXEC WITH ZERO EXPERIENCE IN ENERGY TO MANAGE $25 BILLION IN GREEN ENERGY LOANS Spinner Monitored The Energy Department’s “Green” Loan Guarantees. “Steve Spinner, who

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A Nefarious Tax On The Backs Of Job Creators

U.S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IS SET TO VOTE ON REPEALING OBAMACARE’S MEDICAL DEVICE TAX “The House Is Scheduled To Vote This Week On Two Partial Repeal Bills, Including One To Eliminate The Law’s Controversial Tax On Medical Devices.” (Sam Baker And Elise Viebeck, “House Set To Repeal Device Tax,” The Hill’s “ Health Watch,” 6/4/12) The Tax Will Go

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A Load Of You-Know-What: Reality Check On “Jobs” Act

Obama’s Latest Campaign Ad Urges Congress To Pass His $447 Billion Second Stimulus But His Own Party Rejected It PRESIDENT OBAMA PROBABLY CHOOSES TO FORGET BUT, TO REFRESH HIS MEMORY, HIS OWN PARTY WAS NOT INTERESTED IN HIS SECOND STIMULUS FLASHBACK: “President Barack Obama’s New Jobs Plan Is Hitting Some Unexpected Turbulence In The Halls

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Rebuked In “America’s Battleground”

Gov. Scott Walker’s Win A “Leading Indicator” For Wisconsin’s Outcome This November TONIGHT, GOV. SCOTT WALKER DEFEATED DEMOCRAT TOM BARRETT IN WISCONSIN’S CLOSELY WATCHED RECALL ELECTION Gov. Scott Walker (R-WI) Defeated Mayor Tom Barrett (D-WI) In Wisconsin’s Failed Recall Election. (“Breaking: Walker Wins Wisconsin Recall, CNN Projects,” CNN’s Political Ticker, 6/5/12) DEMOCRATS DEFEATED AMID THE OBAMA CAMPAIGN’S

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The Big Fail: Obama’s Definition Of “Loyalty”

President Abandons Key Allies In Wisconsin Last Night, Gov. Scott Walker (R-WI) Defeated Mayor Tom Barrett (D-WI) In Wisconsin’s Failed Recall Election. (“Breaking: Walker Wins Wisconsin Recall, CNN Projects,” CNN’s Political Ticker , 6/5/12) OBAMA FAILED TO CAMPAIGN FOR ONE OF HIS EARLIEST, MOST LOYAL SUPPORTERS Then-Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett (D-WI) Endorsed Obama’s Presidential Campaign In April 2007,

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The Big Fail: Bubba Axes Obama…Again

The Washington Post Headline: “Bill Clinton’s Endorsements: Loyalty Or Payback?” TONIGHT, BILL CLINTON BESTED THE OBAMA MACHINE IN NJ DEMOCRAT CONGRESSIONAL PRIMARY, “ A PROXY BATTLE BETWEEN THE PRESIDENTS “ Tonight, Rep. Bill Pascrell (D-NJ) Defeated Rep. Steve Rothman (D-NJ) In New Jersey’s 9th Congressional District Primary.  (Matt Friedman, “U.S. Rep Pascrell Beats Rep. Rothman In Democratic Primary,” New Jersey

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The Big Fail: “Makes A Difference”

Biden’s Right: The Middle Class Is Hurting Under Barack Obamanomics Vice President Joe Biden: “And by the way, where I come from, a thousand dollars makes a difference. A lot of these guys don’t know that a thousand dollars makes a difference.” (Vice President Joe Biden, Remarks At Event, Winston-Salem, NC, 6/6/12) BIDEN SAYS ONE THOUSAND

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