What They Are Saying About June’s Jobs Report

Yet Another Dismal Jobs Report Falls Short Of Expectations And Shows Obama’s Policies Have Failed America THE ECONOMY CONTINUED TO STRUGGLE IN JUNE AS A DISAPPOINTING 80,000 JOBS WERE ADDED AND THE UNEMPLOYMENT RATE REMAINED AT 8.2 PERCENT The Associated Press: “U.S. Employers Added Only 80,000 Jobs In June, A Third Straight Month Of Weak Hiring

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The Big Fail: Three Strikes Against Obamanomics

For The Third Straight Month, The Economy Delivers A Blow To Obama’s Claim For Reelection The Associated Press : “U.S. Employers Added Only 80,000 Jobs In June, A Third Straight Month Of Weak Hiring That Shows The Economy Is Struggling.” (Christopher S. Rugaber, “US Employers Add 80,000 Jobs As Economy Struggles,” The Associated Press, 7/6/12) ANOTHER WEAK JOBS REPORT

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What They Are Saying About The ObamaCare Decision

Though Obama Tried To Convince Americans Otherwise, ObamaCare Is A Tax Increase On The Middle Class OBAMACARE IS JUST ANOTHER WAY OBAMA’S POLICIES KILL JOBS CNBC’s Jim Cramer: “I Think The Market Is Taking It Overall Right In That This Is Just Another Reason Why You Should Not Hire And Another Reason Why You Should

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History Of Obama Broken Promises On Health Care Taxes

Brief History Of Obama Broken Promises On Health Care Taxes   Obama In 2008: Health Care Should “Never Be Purchased With Tax Increases On middle Class Families”   Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wzs3aoRnl0E&feature=player_embedded     Obama In 2009: Individual Mandate Is “Absolutely Not A Tax Increase”   Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=tQMkOScXctY     White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs In 2010: ObamaCare

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Just More Words: A Speech About Nothing

Rudderless In A Storm Of Bad News, Obama Will Give A “Framing” Speech On The Economy Berefit Of Fresh Ideas Or New Solutions OBAMA WILL DELIVER A “FRAMING” SPEECH ON THE ECONOMY ON THURSDAY WHICH WON’T INCLUDE ANY NEW IDEAS TO IMPROVE THE DISMAL ECONOMY This Thursday, Obama Will Deliver A “Framing” Speech, With No

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Just More Words: 2012 Axelrod, Meet 1994 Axelrod

In His Advice To The Obama Campaign, James Carville Echoes The Same Points David Axelrod Made In 1994 AXELROD SEEMS TO FORGET THE ADVICE HE GAVE IN 1994 ABOUT AVOIDING ECONOMIC “HAPPY TALK” In 1994, Obama Adviser David Axelrod “Warned Against Happy Talk On Economy,” Just As “Clintonites” Are Warning The Obama Campaign Today. “The White

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The Big Fail: Not #DoingFine Yet Posters

Obama May Be Satisfied With The Economy But For The Millions Struggling To Get By, It’s Not Time For Him To Put His Feet Up Just Yet VISIT RNCRESEARCH.TUMBLR.COM TO SHARE THESE #DOINGFINE POSTERS WITH FRIENDS Unemployment: 23.2 Million Americans Are Either Unemployed, Underemployed Or Have Given Up Looking For Work. (Bureau Of Labor Statistics, Accessed 6/1/12)View Image Here

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#DoingFine: “Significant Progress”

Obama Lauds A Terrible Economic Record To Nevadans YESTERDAY, OBAMA TOLD NEVADA “WE’VE MADE SIGNIFICANT PROGRESS” ON THE ECONOMY Last Night, Obama Told Nevada, The State With The Highest Unemployment Rate, “We’ve Made Significant Progress.” OBAMA: “Well look, we’ve gone through the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression. We’ve made significant progress. People obviously recognize

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#DoingFine: 8 Democrats Not Feeling So Great With Obama’s “Doing Fine” Declaration

Obama’s Own Supporters Disagree Or Dodge On His Assessment That The “Private Sector Is Doing Fine” ORMER DNC CHAIR GOVERNOR ED RENDELL (D-PA): “IT’S OBVIOUSLY A SIGNIFICANT MISSTATEMENT” Former DNC Chair And PA Governor Ed Rendell: “I’m Not Saying The President’s Remark On The Private Sector ‘Doing Fine’ Was Smart, It’s Obviously A Significant Misstatement.” “By

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#DoingFine: Runway To Win

Maybe Obama Was Thinking About Anna Wintour When He Said The Private Sector Was #DoingFine TONIGHT, VOGUE EDITOR ANNA WINTOUR HOSTS THE GRAND OPENING OF OBAMA’S “RUNWAY TO WIN” STOREFRONT Vogue Editor Anna Wintour And Supermodel Iman Are Hosting A Chicago Fundraiser With Jim Messina. “On Tuesday, Anna Wintour, the Vogue editor who holds sway over

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