ALGOP Statement on Biden Ballot Access

Alabama Republican Party Chairman John Wahl issued the following statement concerning questions surrounding Joe Biden’s ballot access issues in Alabama for the 2024 Presidential Election:

“It is hard to comprehend how the Biden campaign and DNC allowed themselves to miss this critical deadline. Despite ample time and resources at their disposal, they have demonstrated a shocking disregard for Alabama’s electoral process and the voters of our state. Alabama’s presidential certification laws are not new, and these types of deadlines are a normal part of running a presidential campaign. Four years ago, the Alabama Republican Party and RNC avoided this problem by working proactively to ensure our nominee would not be left off the ballot before it became a concern. To make this matter worse for the Biden campaign, similar oversights have been reported in other states.

It is pretty clear that the Democrat Party and Joe Biden’s campaign either can’t understand basic election rules, or they don’t care about the voters of Alabama. Either way this represents a massive political mistake, and raises an important question. If Joe Biden and his team cannot fulfill the basic requirements of running a presidential campaign, how can we trust them to competently manage the affairs of our nation? No wonder the boarder is a disaster, our economy is in shambles, and American foreign policy is the laughingstock of the free world. This is just one more area that highlights the need for a change in the White House.”


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Alabama Republican Party