ALGOP Chair Votes in Favor of RNC Amicus Brief Defending Trump in 14th Amendment Case

Liberal groups are mounting legal challenges in an attempt to keep the former president off the ballot

Alabama Republican Party Chairman John Wahl voted for the Republican National Committee to weigh in on recent legal challenges aimed at keeping former President Donald J. Trump off the 2024 ballot.

During a specially called meeting, the RNC Executive Committee approved a motion to file an amicus brief in support of the former president in cases including Colorado and other states. Liberal groups are trying to disqualify him on 14th Amendment grounds, citing the events of January 6, 2021, on Capitol Hill as a reason.

“Donald Trump has not been indicted, tried or convicted on a charge of insurrection or rebellion. This is just another outlandish attempt by leftist groups to use our justice system for their own political agenda. I think it’s important that the Republican Party take a stand, and I am proud that the RNC is pushing back against this liberal nonsense. Democrats should be more concerned about the issues facing the people of America and how struggling families will be able to make ends meet, instead of trying to misuse the 14th amendment to disqualify their political rivals. This case is far bigger than Donald Trump, it’s about political fairness and the constitutional principles that this nation was founded on. If these organizations are allowed to succeed, the precedent would have the potential to impact all candidates and Americans for generations to come. Under the 5th Amendment, we all have the presumption of innocence, and the misuse of the 14th amendment could completely undo that basic fundamental right. The original intent of our founding fathers is worth fighting for, and the Republican Party is committed to standing strong on this important issue,” said Chairman Wahl.

In addition to Colorado, disqualification efforts are being mounted in numerous other states, including Minnesota, Virginia, Michigan, and Connecticut.

Section 3 of the 14th Amendment says a candidate is disqualified if the person “engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the United States,” or had “given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof,” unless granted amnesty by a two-thirds vote of Congress.


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Alabama Republican Party