They Said It! Flashback: Obama Said His Jobs Council “Has Not Been A Show Council”

Obama Said His Jobs Council “Has Not Been A Show Council,” Yet It Has Been A No-Show For 6 Months


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THEN: Obama Boasted About “How Focused And How Hard-Working” His Jobs Council Was, Claiming That It Was Not A “Show Council.” OBAMA: “One of the things that’s been striking about this Jobs Council is how focused and how hard-working everybody has been around this table. This has not been a show council. This has been a work council.And because of the extraordinary commitments that each and every one of you have made, we have generated I think as good a set of proposals as we have seen coming out of the private sector to help to guide and steer our economic agenda and our approach to jobs and growth over the next couple of years.” (President Barack Obama, Opening And Closing Remarks By The President To The Council On Jobs And Competitiveness , Washington, DC, 1/17/12)


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NOW: Obama Has Not Met With His Jobs Council In Six Months Because He Has “Got A Lot On His Plate.” REPORTER: “So there’s no reason they [the Jobs Council] haven’t met publicly?” WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY JAY CARNEY:”No, there’s no specific reason except the President’s obviously got a lot on his plate.” ( White House Press Conference, Washington, D.C., 7/18/12)

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