RNC Releases “Serious Questions”

WASHINGTON – The Republican National Committee releases “Serious Questions” as President Obama wraps up another hard-hitting interview where he discussed America’s top concerns like whether our president prefers green or red chiles, his take on “Call Me Maybe,” and what superpower he wished he had. With unemployment going up in 44 of 50 states, this is nothing short of embarrassing. It’s been over eight weeks since President Obama took a question from the White House Press Corps, yet he’s willing to weigh in on Carly Rae Jepsen’s latest hit.

Web video can be viewed here.

Web video can be downloaded here.

“Americans are hurting all over this country because of President Obama’s weak economy and the president continues to hide from the tough questions in favor of softball interview questions,” said RNC Chairman Reince Priebus. “It’s been over eight weeks since President Obama has answered important questions about everything from unemployment to Medicare and the tone of the campaign. Unemployment just went up in 44 of 50 states. Someone should inform Obama that struggling middle class families all over the country need a serious president who’s willing to lead on the tough challenges and turn things around, not a pop culture commentator.”




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August 17, 2012

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