A recent survey by the Alabama Republican Party shows the majority of Alabama voters want school choice in the state of Alabama. The poll asked 1,610 respondents the following question: “The State Legislature is considering a bill that would give parents the ability to choose which schools their children attend using state funds. Do you support or oppose school choice legislation?” Almost 4 out of 5 voters with an opinion on the issues said they supported school choice legislation, while just over a quarter said they were undecided. The full survey results were 57% support, 16% opposed, and 27% undecided. Support for school choice was highest among Republican voters (67% to 9%), but also overwhelmingly popular with independent voters (55% to 17%) and still the first choice among Democrats (37% to 30%). The survey also showed school choice had extremely strong support with black voters (52% to 21%). |

“The Alabama Republican Party has been very vocal about our support for school choice and parental rights. We believe that a child’s quality of education should not be decided by their zip code, and that education funding should follow the student so every child has the same opportunities. We trust that parents know the needs of their children better than the government, and we support returning control of Alabama’s education system back to the mothers and fathers of our state. The bottom line is that our parents, our children and our teachers deserve better, and they deserve more options. That’s why the Alabama Republican Party supports school choice,” said Alabama Republican Party Chairman John Wahl. The poll was conducted by the Alabama Republican Party, and surveyed 1,610 respondents from a random stratified selection of registered voters across the State of Alabama. The sample’s Margin of Error is +/- 3.2%. |