My name is Terry Lathan and I am the very proud Chairman of the Alabama Republican Party…welcome to Mobile! What an amazing crowd! It is a great honor to welcome you all to Sweet Home Alabama…and I’m so proud to say my hometown…..where candidate Donald Trump had his first massive stadium rally and, rightly, the place where President-elect Trump will end his historic “Thank You” tour.
While Mobile is home of the first original Mardi Gras, it is also home to a favorite son and the pride of Mobile, our own United States Senator Jeff Sessions. It is bittersweet to see Senator Sessions leave us in the Senate where his deep patriotic roots have served us well, but President-Elect Trump and AMERICA needs him now. I don’t know if Mobile’s Mayor Sandy Stimpson has presented the keys to our city to President-elect Trump, but I do know that the people of America will hand him the keys to the White House on January 20.
On behalf of the Alabama Republican Party, THANK YOU for shattering an election record of over 1.3 million votes for Donald Trump and Mike Pence! THANK YOU for making Alabama one of the states with the highest margins of victory in the nation for Donald Trump and Mike Pence. THANK YOU for reminding the political pundits, the national very biased news media and the ohhhh so wrong pollsters that we, the people, are in charge of AMERICA.
As Chairman of the Alabama Republican Party, I will ask three things of you all: -first, stay with us every election and keep making a difference. LOOK WHAT YOU DID!!!! -second, stay engaged with your elected officials that you have chosen and let them know your thoughts and wishes. -and third, pray for President-elect Trump, Vice-President elect Pence, soon to be United States Attorney General Jeff Sessions, their families and all of those who will be guiding and leading the greatest nation on earth.
So Merry Christmas, and some will say Roll Tide, some will say War Eagle, and in this stadium it’s GO JAGS!….but I know that we all together can say God Bless America! THANK YOU ALABAMA!