Barack Obama

Nail Biters

Obama Sees More Embarrassing Close Votes In Democrat Primaries Against “Uncommitted” And An Unknown Lawyer LAST NIGHT, OBAMA CONTINUED “BARELY EKING OUT WINS” IN DEMOCRAT PRIMARY VOTES Last Night, Obama “Barely Ek[ed] Out Wins In Kentucky And Arkansas.” “President Barack Obama continued to have trouble on Tuesday performing in Democratic primaries in traditionally conservative states, barely

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Education Edition

Education Edition $1 Trillion: Student Loan Debt Has Eclipsed The Trillion Dollar Figure. (Josh Mitchell And Maya Jackson-Randall, “Student-Loan Debt Tops $1 Trillion,”The Wall Street Journal, 3/22/12) $85 Billion: Total Of Student Loan Past Due Balances. (Meta Brown, Andrew Haughwout, Donghoon Lee, Maricar Mabutas, And Wilbert van der Klaauw, “Grading Student Loans,” Federal Reserve Bank Of New York,

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Not In My White House!

Obama Decries Lobbyist Influence As They Visit His White House Last Month, Obama Said People See The “Special Interests That Dominate And The Lobbyists That Always Have Access, And They Say To Themselves, Maybe I Don’t Count.” OBAMA: “You say to yourself, you know what, it just doesn’t seem like things are on the level. It

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Mayor Cory Booker Hits Obama Campaign For Attacks On Private Sector

Obama Surrogate/Democrat Mayor Cory Booker Hits Obama Campaign For Attacks On Private Sector Click To Watch Mayor Cory Booker (D-Newark, NJ): “I have to say from a very personal level I’m not about to sit here and indict private equity. To me, it’s just, we’re getting to a ridiculous point in America. Especially, I know, I

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Stimulation Impossible

Stimulus Funds Still Generating Waste For American Taxpayers To Richard Wolffe, Obama “Also Admitted That The Enormous Sums Of Money” In The Stimulus “Had Fallen Short.” “Yet he also admitted that the enormous sums of money had fallen short. ‘If we’re honest, part of the controversy also is that despite the extraordinary work that has been

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Desperate In Coal Country

Under Pressure, Biden Panders On Coal _____________________________________________________________________ IN COAL COUNTRY, BIDEN SAID AMERICA “DESPERATELY” NEEDS COAL Last Night, Biden Said “We Desperately Need Coal.” BIDEN: “It’s all of the above for us. We desperately need coal. We need it to get cleaner and cleaner. We desperately all the sources of energy.” ( WTOV9, 5/17/12) Click Here

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Not A “Net Spending Cut”

Obama Promised A Net Spending Cut, But Instead Has Racked Up Government Spending To Unsustainable Levels CANDIDATE OBAMA PROMISED A NET SPENDING CUT BY GOING THROUGH THE BUDGET “LINE BY LINE” PROMISE: In 2008, Obama Promised A “Net Spending Cut” To The Federal Budget By Going “Through The Federal Budget Line By Line, Page By

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“No Coal Plants Here In America”

As Biden Completes His Two-Day Swing In Eastern Ohio, Ohioans Are Feeling The True Pain Of Obama Economics VICE PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN WILL COMPLETE A TWO DAY SWING IN OHIO ON THURSDAY PUSHING “OBAMA ECONOMICS” Biden Began A Two-Day Campaign Swing Through Eastern Ohio On Wednesday To Push A Populist Economic Message Dubbed “Obama Economics.” “Vice

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Obama Steers America Towards Disaster

Obama’s Failure To Lead Will Leave Americans Saddled With A Massive Debt, Broken Entitlement System, And Wounded Economy THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION ADMITS THEY DON’T HAVE A PLAN TO PAY FOR THEIR LIBERAL POLICIES This Chart From Obama’s Budget Shows The President’s Plan To Let Our Debt Skyrocket Source: Budget Of The United States Government, Fiscal

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