Barack Obama

The Big Fail: You Can’t Build That

Biden Panders To Unions At Plumbers And Pipefitters Local 189 After Punting On Keystone Pipeline And Costing Thousands Of Jobs VICE PRESIDENT BIDEN TALKS OHIO MANUFACTURING TO UNIONS AT PLUMBERS AND PIPEFITTERS LOCAL 189 IN COLUMBUS “Vice President Joe Biden Will Deliver A Campaign Speech At The Plumbers And Pipefitters Local 189 Union Hall In

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Obama To Jacksonville: I’ve Changed (For The Worse)

With A Record Of Broken Promises To Jacksonville, All He Has Left Is A Negative Campaign _____________________________________________________________________ OBAMA TOLD JACKSONVILLE HE WOULDN’T TRY TO “MAKE BIG ELECTIONS ABOUT SMALL THINGS,” CRITICIZING “SLASH AND BURN” TACTICS PROMISE: In 2008 Obama Said “When You Have Run Out Of Ideas, Then You Try To Destruct And Make Big

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The Big Fail: By The Numbers: Obama’s Plan To Raise Taxes

Obama Wants To Raise Taxes During The “Worst Economic Recovery America Has Ever Had” Click Here To Watch CBS News’ Scott Pelley: “This Is The Worst Economic Recovery America Has Ever Had.” PELLEY: “This is worst economic recovery America has ever had. We’ve been looking for hopeful signs, but today the chairman of the Federal Reserve

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Nothing New About Obama’s Hostility Toward The Private Sector

Long Before Obama Mocked Entrepreneurs For Not Building Their Own Business, Obama Was Already Vilifying The Private Sector Obama: “If You’ve Got A Business — You Didn’t Build That. Somebody Else Made That Happen.” OBAMA: “You didn’t get there on your own. I’m always struck by people who think, well, it must be because I was

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RNC Memo: Four Questions Obama Must Answer on Steve Westly’s Political Payoffs

MEMO FROM: RNC Communications Director Sean Spicer TO: White House Press Secretary Jay Carney and OFA Traveling Press Secretary Jen Psaki RE: Four Questions Obama Must Answer on Steve Westly’s Political Payoffs   Energy Investor Steve Westly has raised at least $1 million for Barack Obama during the 2008 and 2012 election cycles. After the

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The Big Fail: Fiscal Cliffnotes For Democrats

Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke Is Sounding The Alarm On The Weak Economy And Reckless Plans To Raise Taxes  BEN BERNANKE HAS A WARNING FOR DEMOCRATS STARING DOWN THE FISCAL CLIFF, PAST THE EVIDENCE, AND THROUGH RECENT ECONOMIC FORECASTS Testifying Before The Senate Banking Committee, Bernanke Warned That Fiscal Cliff Inaction Would Result In A

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Just More Words: Veteran At Double Talk

Obama Talks Up Veterans Benefits, Ignores The Steep Cuts In His Own Budget _____________________________________________________________________ At A Campaign Event Today In Virginia, Obama Pledged To Fight “Any Kind Of Cutbacks On Veterans’ Services.” OBAMA: “That’s also, by the way, how we take care of our veterans. Now they’re coming home, they shouldn’t have to fight for a

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The Big Fail: “Smoke And Mirrors”

With Americans Still Struggling After Four Years, Obama Has Failed Bill Clinton’s Test Of Leadership _____________________________________________________________________ In 2009, Former President Bill Clinton Said At The Same Location Obama Will Campaign At Today That The Only Thing That Matters Is “Whether People Are Better Off….” “In the end, when you get done with these public jobs, the

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Just More Words: Remember When …

Long Gone Are The Days When Obama Spoke Out Against Personal Attacks _____________________________________________________________________ REMEMBER WHEN OBAMA CAUTIONED AGAINST “SLASH AND BURN” POLITICS? THEN: Obama Said Negative Ads “Do The American People A Disservice By Trying To Distract Us From The Very Real Challenges That We Face.” OBAMA: “All of those negative ads that he’s running won’t do

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