Barack Obama

What They Are Saying About Today’s GDP Numbers

In Another Sign Of The Dismal Economy, Economic Growth Slowed In The Second Quarter To The Weakest Pace In A Year _____________________________________________________________________ GDP SLOWED TO 1.5 PERCENT IN THE SECOND QUARTER, RENEWING FEARS OF ANOTHER RECESSION Politico: “U.S. Economic Growth Slows To 1.5 Percent.” (Tim Mak, “U.S. Economic Growth Slows To 1.5%,” Politico, 7/27/12) The New

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Sessions: President’s Updated Budget Shows Need For Ad To Be Pulled

WASHINGTON—U.S. Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL), Ranking Member of the Senate Budget Committee, issued the following statement today about President Obama’s mid-year budget update, which is required by law to be submitted to Congress every year no later than July 16: “President Obama is currently running a campaign ad saying he has a plan to ‘pay

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VIDEO: ICE Union Chief: Agents Face Threat Of Pink Slips If They Enforce The Law

“The Administration’s new policies do not provide officers with new options or increased flexibility, but instead order officers not to enforce laws and not to take enforcement actions against specific groups with officers under threat of losing their jobs if they do so.”   U.S. Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL) serves on four Senate committees: Armed

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“You didn’t build that’ reverberates across the country

“Throughout his time in office, President Obama has consistently sided with government, not business owners, when it comes to the economy. But the disappointing results speak for themselves: middle-class Americans are still struggling and job creators still aren’t hiring. It’s clear President Obama just wasn’t up to the task of fixing our economy.” – Amanda

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They Said It! Democrat Senator: Obama White House Behind National Security Leaks

Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA): Obama White House Behind National Security Leaks Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA): “I Think The White House Has To Understand That Some Of This Is Coming From Its Ranks. I Don’t Know Specifically Where, But I Think They Have To Begin To Understand That And Do Something About It.” SENATOR DIANNE FEINSTEIN: “I

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The Big Fail: Obama’s Sequestration State-By-State

Obama Is Ignoring The Threat Of Sequestration As States Brace For Devastating Cuts UNDER OBAMA, THE DEFENSE BUDGET FACES $1 TRILLION IN CUTS Sequestration Would Slash An Additional $500 Billion From The Defense Budget Over The Next Ten Years, On Top Of Obama’s $487 Billion In Defense Cuts Obama’s FY 2013 Budget Cuts Defense Spending

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The Big Fail: Obama Not Living Up To His Best Intentions

Four Years After Obama Outlined His Lofty Foreign Policy Vision In Berlin, The World Is Still Waiting For Real Solutions, Not More Rhetoric In Berlin, Obama Introduced Himself As “A Leader Who Could Summon Other Nations To Join The United States In Confronting The World’s Next Challenges.”“Senator Barack Obama stood before a sea of cheering

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Obama’s War On Coal Is Leading To Layoffs, Closures, And Bankruptcies

Obama’s War On Coal Is Leading To Layoffs, Closures, And Bankruptcies COAL COMPANIES ARE CUTTING JOBS AND CLOSING PLANTS THIS SUMMER Under The Obama Administration, 111 Coal Power Plants Have Closed In The Past Two Years. “But in the past two years, an increasing number of coal-powered electricity plants across the country have announced closures. Estimates

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#Obamaology: “You Didn’t Build That”

Words Matter – And Obama’s Words Explain Why Three Years Of Trying To Run The Economy From The White House Have Failed Obama: “If You’ve Got A Business — You Didn’t Build That. Somebody Else Made That Happen.” (President Barack Obama, Remarks At A Campaign Event, Roanoke, VA, 7/13/12) IF OBAMA’S GOVERNMENT IS SUPPOSED TO BE BUILDING

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The Big Fail: Veterans Deserve Better

When Obama Addresses The VFW Today, Will He Continue To Echo The Same Failed Promises? OBAMA HAS NOT BUILT THE “21ST CENTURY VA” HE PROMISED Obama In 2008: “I’ve Pledged To Build A 21st Century VA.” OBAMA: “We must also stand up for affordable health care for every single veteran. That’s why I’ve pledged to build a

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