Barack Obama

RNC Statement on the White House’s Transparency Hypocrisy

WASHINGTON – The Republican National Committee (RNC) Chairman Reince Priebus released the following statement regarding the White House’s questionable actions with regard to Solyndra and Iran:    “Today’s headlines reveal more ethically questionable conduct by a member of President Obama’s inner circle, adding to a growing pattern of behavior,” said RNC Chairman Reince Priebus. “Senior White

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7 Weeks Worth Of Obama Questions Never Asked

7 Weeks Worth Of Obama Questions Never Asked _____________________________________________________________________ OBAMA LAST TOOK QUESTIONS FROM THE WHITE HOUSE PRESS CORPS IN JUNE “Obama Has Not Taken A Serious Question From The White House Press Corps In Nearly Seven Weeks.” “President Obama has not taken a serious question from the White House press corps in nearly seven weeks,

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Obamacare Provides A Pathway To Government-Mandated Outsourcing Of American Jobs

What We’ve Learned About ObamaCare In The Past Few Weeks _____________________________________________________________________ OBAMACARE PROVIDES A PATHWAY TO GOVERNMENT-MANDATED OUTSOURCING OF AMERICAN JOBS ObamaCare Could Drive Companies To Outsource Jobs To Comply With Its Medical Loss Ratio Mandate. “Moreover, the health care reform law could prod insurers to move more jobs to cheaper-wage countries. The new law requires

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Obama’s Caribou Cover-up

President Obama promised to be the “most transparent administration in history” but a Congressional review shows Obama’s staff repeatedly used personal email and held off-site meetings to keep them out of the public eye. Is Obama outraged? No, he’s been silent. How much longer will President Obama continue his Caribou Cover-up? GOP asks White House

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RNC Makes Birthday Cards For President Obama

RNC Makes Birthday Cards For President Obama WASHINGTON – The Republican National Committee is marking President Obama’s 51st birthday with a series of cards to wish him the best on his special day. It has been a rough year for this president with his polls numbers sinking, seven months of terrible jobs reports, and worries about

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GOP Chairman Reacts to July Jobs Numbers

GOP Chairman Reacts to July Jobs Numbers Says It’s Time for New Leadership in Washington Birmingham, Ala. – Bill Armistead, Chairman of the Alabama Republican Party, released the following statement regarding the July jobs numbers: “Once again, our country faces disappointing jobs numbers. Despite predictions from President Obama’s advisers that unemployment would be below 5.6%,

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After Four Years Of Obama, Voters Across The Country Aren’t Better Off

After Four Years Of Obama, Voters Across The Country Aren’t Better Off _____________________________________________________________________ FOUR YEARS AGO IN LEESBURG, VIRGINIA, OBAMA ASKED IF VOTERS WERE “BETTER OFF” Obama: “At This Rate, The Question Isn’t Just Are You Better Off Than You Were Four Years Ago; It’s Are You Better Off Than You Were Four Weeks Ago?” “It’s

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IT DIDN’T WORK: CRISIS OF CONFIDENCE IN THE OBAMA ECONOMY “Every day delivers more disappointing news for the millions of Americans struggling in the Obama economy. Consumer spending and manufacturing activity is down, while economic uncertainty is up. Americans deserve better – they deserve a president who has what it takes to get middle-class families

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Obama’s Clueless White House

White House Unaware Obama Wants To Close Down Ohio Air Base That He Will Land At Tomorrow Click To Watch WH Spokesman Jay Carney Was Not Aware That Air Force One Will Land At An Ohio Air Base That Obama Wants To Eliminate. REPORTER: “Can you talk a little bit about why the president is going

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How’s That Plan Working Out?

Obama’s Economic Mismanagement Is Putting The Brakes On The American Economy Obama: “We Tried Our Plan – And It Worked.” (President Barack Obama, Remarks By The President At A Campaign Event, Oakland, CA, 7/24/12) THE ECONOMY GREW AT A SLUGGISH 1.5 PERCENT IN THE SECOND QUARTER USA Today : “The U.S. Economy Slowed In The Spring, With Second-Quarter

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