ALGOP Statement on Alabama House District 10 Special Election

Alabama Republican Party Chairman John Wahl issued the following statement concerning the Alabama House District 10 Special Election:

“National Democrats are trying to insinuate that House District 10 is a bellwether decision, not just for Alabama but also for the entire country. What they forget to say is that this is a purple district where Democrats always had a chance. Pretending that this election reflects on the entire state of Alabama is disingenuous and shows either a lack of understanding of the political landscape or an attempt to mislead voters. 

“Low turnout special elections are hard to predict, and notorious for unexpected outcomes. Results in these types of races are about which candidate is able to excite their base. There are a lot of opinions on what messaging is best in this type of situation, and the Republican candidate chose a middle of the road strategy in an attempt to bring in swing voters. That was the candidate’s decision and we respected it, though unfortunately it did not have the desired outcome of turning out Republican voters. It’s important to remember that only 14.5% of the population voted in this special election, and that is extremely low turnout when compared to a regular general election. Democrats got lucky yesterday, and the Alabama Republican Party is committed to taking this seat back in 2026.

“The Alabama Republican Party has been extremely successful in swing districts across the state in recent years. Our strategy has been highlighting bold, Conservative messaging that pushes back on the national Democrat Party’s flawed policies and woke, socialist agenda. The GOP picked up 50 seats across Alabama in 2022 with this bold messaging. We talked about parental rights in education, protecting our children from indoctrination, and the fact we can tell the difference between a man and a woman. Republicans across the country did not fare as well as Republicans here in Alabama, and the lesson is we cannot not be afraid to stand strong for Conservative values. Republicans win when we talk about policy and the principles we believe in.”


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Alabama Republican Party