ALGOP Results in HD27 Special Primary Election

Marshall County voters went to the polls today to select the Alabama Republican Party’s nominee in the Special Primary Runoff Election for Alabama House District 27.

The unofficial results are as follows:

  • Alan Miller: 1,411 votes, 46.69%
  • Jeana Ross: 1,611 votes, 53.31%

Based on those preliminary results, Jeana Ross has emerged as the winner of the race.

Alabama Republican Party Chairman John Wahl made the following statement:

“Jeana Ross has proven herself as a steadfast advocate for conservative Republican principles and a tireless advocate for the people of Marshall County. Her unwavering commitment to supporting parental rights, protecting children from a socialist agenda, promoting economic opportunities, and standing for fiscal responsibility embodies the core values of our Party. As the nominee for House District 27, Jeana Ross will fight for the rights, freedoms, and liberties of the people of the district. Her track record of success and dedication to our conservative values make her the ideal person to fill this position in the Legislature. We are confident that Jeana will serve with integrity, passion, and determination, and we congratulate her on her victory today.”

The seat in Alabama House District 27 became vacant when former State Representative Wes Kitchens was elected to the Alabama Senate in January.

There is no Democrat candidate in this race.


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Alabama Republican Party