ALGOP Chairman Responds to Biden State of the Union Address

Alabama Republican Party Chairman John Wahl issued the following statement in response to President Joe Biden’s State of the Union Address:

“I wish the Biden Administration was more concerned about our economy and the challenges facing the American people. Families across the country are struggling to pay for basic necessities like food, gas, and utilities. Wages haven’t kept up with the Democrat’s record breaking inflation rates, caused by the reckless spending coming out of Washington, DC.

“Meanwhile, on the world stage, our adversaries are emboldened, as demonstrated by last week’s Chinese spy balloon incident, which was a clear violation of our sovereignty. President Biden seems more concerned about Ukraine’s border than our own border. Yet all he can do is push for the same failed socialist policies that have gotten our country into these disastrous situations. America needs real solutions, not a re-election campaign stump speech trying to convince us that his policies are actually working.”


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Alabama Republican Party