Donald Trump Maintains Strong Lead in First Alabama Poll Following New York Court Verdict

A new poll conducted by the Alabama Republican Party shows former President Donald Trump holding his commanding lead in Alabama, even after his recent conviction by a New York court. The poll has Trump garnering 59.7% of the vote to Biden’s 33.5%, and 6.8% of respondents remaining undecided.

Trump leads the race among both Republicans and Independents when looking at results cross-tabbed by party, and he received a higher percentage of support within his own party, with 93.8% of Republicans backing him, compared to Joe Biden’s 88.5% support from Democrats.

The poll also surveyed Alabama voters on the recent New York court verdict against Donald Trump. A significant majority (64.5%) believe the charges aimed at him were politically motivated, including more than one-in-three African American voters and 63.4% of Hispanic voters. These figures are notably higher than the 20.7% of Democrat voters who share this sentiment.

That trend of support continued when voters were asked if the court verdict made them more or less likely to vote for Trump, with 64.3% of respondents saying it made them more likely to support him. While this question was deeply divided along party lines, the results showed more Democrats breaking ranks with their party’s overall opinion, 20.1% of Democrat voters said they were more likely to vote for Trump, while only 8.4% of Republicans said they were less likely. 

The discrepancy within the Democrat party seemed based on concerns of minority voters that Trump’s charges were politically motivated. 36.3% of African Americans and 66.7% of Hispanic voters said the conviction made them more likely to vote for Donald Trump. These groups are traditionally seen as aligned with the Democratic Party, making this shift highly noteworthy.

Overall, Trump’s conviction appears to have had minimal impact on how respondents plan to vote in the upcoming general election, with 90.7% stating it did not change their intended vote. Among those who did change their minds, Democrats were more than twice as likely to reconsider their candidate of choice, with 13.0% of Democrats saying the court verdict changed their votes compared to only 5.2% of Republicans.

“The results of this poll clearly show that the people of Alabama see through the political motivations behind the charges against Donald Trump,” said Alabama Republican Party Chairman John Wahl. “The Republican Party firmly believes in the rule of law and that everyone should be held accountable. However, a critical part of the law is that every individual deserves a fair trial. Donald Trump did not receive a fair trial in New York last week, but he will have his chance for justice at the ballot box this November. The justice system should never be used as a political weapon, and the Biden Administration should be held accountable by the voters.

“The people of Alabama continue to stand firmly behind President Trump, and his America first policies because they make sense. The Biden Administration’s failures are evident, from inflation to border security, but instead of talking about the issues facing the people of America, they resort to using the court system to attack their political opponents. It’s time to get back to the issues and working towards solutions what will help our country. That is what the Republican Party is committed to doing.” 

The poll was conducted by the Alabama Republican Party, and sampled 1,643 randomly stratified likely general election voters across the state of Alabama. The survey was conducted by phone between June 1 and June 3, and has a Margin of Error of +/- 3.6%.

The full poll results are available for download below.


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Alabama Republican Party