Sessions Receives Naval Distinguished Public Service Award

WASHINGTON—U.S. Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL), a senior member of the Senate Armed Services Committee and Ranking member of the Strategic Forces Subcommittee, received the Distinguished Public Service Award today from the Department of the Navy, its highest award given to those outside naval service. Sessions issued the following statement:


“I am moved and humbled by this honor and am so deeply grateful to Secretary Mabus. We must never fail to understand how critical the Navy is in securing America and projecting American power across the world. As an eight-year member of the Subcommittee on Seapower, I think it’s important to support our naval programs, and to ensure the necessary resources for our men and women in service. The United States Navy is the greatest naval force the world has known, and we must never break faith with those who serve in its ranks. Today’s award will remind me always of the solemn obligation we in Congress have to stand resolutely behind the men and women of the United States Navy and all of our armed services.”



Senator Sessions served in the Army Reserves. The Navy Distinguished Public Service Award (DPSA) is the highest award given to non-Navy individuals or non-career Navy employees. The purpose of this award is for contributions and accomplishments that have had Navy-wide impact, or beyond. As Chairman of the Subcommittee on Seapower, Sen. Sessions worked hard to ensure the Navy is properly configured and funded. The citation from the Department of the Navy reads:


“For exceptional service to the Department of the Navy as a member of Congress and the Senate Armed Services Committee. Senator Sessions’ long and selfless service to the Nation’s Sailors and Marines ensured they were provided the resources necessary to support and defend the Nation’s interests around the globe. His strong leadership as Ranking Member of both the Budget Committee and the Strategic Forces Subcommittee greatly contributed to the quality of the United States’ naval forces, continued support for quality of life for the men and women of the Department of the Navy, and assured the Navy-Marine Corps team was the most lethal in history. Senator Sessions’ tireless advocacy of shipbuilding programs as the former Chairman of the Seapower Subcommittee assured the highest levels of readiness for our combat forces. With grateful appreciation for his 16 years of service to the Nation and for his outstanding contributions to the Navy and Marine Corps the Honorable Jeff Sessions is awarded the Department of the Navy Distinguished Public Service Award.”


U.S. Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL) serves on four Senate committees: Armed Services, Judiciary, Environment and Public Works, and as Ranking Member of the Budget Committee. Visit Sessions online at his website or via YouTubeFacebook, and Twitter. Note: Please do not reply to this email. For further information, contact Sen. Sessions’ Press Office at (202) 224-4124.



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