The Big Fail: Obama’s Definition Of “Loyalty”

President Abandons Key Allies In Wisconsin

Last Night, Gov. Scott Walker (R-WI) Defeated Mayor Tom Barrett (D-WI) In Wisconsin’s Failed Recall Election. (“Breaking: Walker Wins Wisconsin Recall, CNN Projects,” CNN’s Political Ticker , 6/5/12)


Then-Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett (D-WI) Endorsed Obama’s Presidential Campaign In April 2007, Becoming “One Of The First Prominent Officeholders In The State To Give An Endorsement In The Hotly Contested Democratic Race.” “When Illinois Sen. Barack Obama comes to Milwaukee on Monday, he will collect his first big-name endorsement in the state – Mayor Tom Barrett – and it will provide the Democratic presidential campaign with a kind of symbolic launch in Wisconsin. … The Milwaukee mayor, who served 10 years in Congress, is one of the first prominent officeholders in the state to give an endorsement in the hotly contested Democratic race, a battle headlined by Obama, New York Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton and 2004 vice presidential nominee John Edwards.” (Craig Gilbert, “Obama To Visit City On Monday,” Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 4/14/07)

  • Barrett: Obama Can “Really Add Excitement And Create Hope In This Country” And Was The “Right Person” At A “Watershed Moment For American History.” “In an interview with the Journal Sentinel, Barrett announced his support for Obama, calling him the candidate ‘who can really add excitement and create hope in this country.’ Barrett said he likes and respects the other candidates but thinks Obama is the ‘right person’ at a ‘watershed moment for American history.’” (Craig Gilbert, “Obama To Visit City On Monday,” Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 4/14/07)

But President Obama Was “Silent” About The Recall. “President Obama has been silent on the race since his campaign released a statement endorsing Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett (D) immediately after his primary victory two weeks ago. The Obama campaign is helping Barrett with get-out-the-vote operations, but the president has not publicly mentioned the race.” (Cameron Joseph, Kevin Bogardus, “Unions Angry With Democrats Over Lack Of Help In Wisconsin Governor’s Recall,” The Hill, 5/25/12)

Barrett Campaign: “We’d Love To Have The President In Wisconsin…” “Barrett spokesman Phil Walzak thanked Obama for the help he has given, but said more was always welcome. ‘We’d love to have the president in Wisconsin, he’s always welcome, but at the same time we don’t have expectations. We understand he has an election of his own and he’s still the sitting president and has other important commitments,” he said. “It would be unfair to look at it as them not being engaged … we are appreciative of the support we’ve gotten and would welcome more if the president is able.’” (Cameron Joseph, Kevin Bogardus, “Unions Angry With Democrats Over Lack Of Help In Wisconsin Governor’s Recall,” The Hill, 5/25/12)

CBS’s Mark Knoller: “Pres. Obama Has Made 8 Visits To Wisconsin Since Taking Office, But None Since February – Before The Recall Vote Was Scheduled.” (Mark Knoller, Twitter Feed, 6/5/12)

  • Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: “Obama Keeps A Low Public Profile In Wisconsin Recall Fight.” (Craig Gilbert, “Obama Keeps A Low Public Profile In Wisconsin Recall Fight,” Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel , 5/23/12)
  • The Washington Post’s “The Fix:” “Should President Obama Have Gone To Wisconsin?” (Chris Cillizza, Aaron Blake, “Should President Obama Have Gone To Wisconsin?” The Washington Post’s The Fix , 6/4/12)

Obama Deputy Campaign Manager Stephanie Cutter Mocked The Notion That Obama Could Have Influenced The Race, Saying “If You Think That The Secret Weapon Here Is Sending President Obama, Then, You Know, I’m Pleased.” CUTTER: “If you think that the secret weapon here is sending President Obama, then, you know, I’m pleased that you believe that. But I think that actually having people organizing and volunteering and turning out the vote and doing everything they can that actually affect an election is more powerful.” (MSNBC, “The Daily Rundown,” 5/30/12)

Obama Literally Flew Over Wisconsin Last Week, While President Clinton Wasn’t Afraid To Campaign For Barrett

Obama “Flew Over Wisconsin Twice Friday To Visit Minneapolis And Chicago Without Ever Stopping.” “Walker supporters took comfort in the fact that President Barack Obama flew over Wisconsin twice Friday to visit Minneapolis and Chicago without ever stopping.” (Abdon M. Pallasch, “Republicans, Democrats Head To Wisconsin For Walker Recall,” Chicago Sun-Times, 6/1/12)

But President Clinton Campaigned For Barrett. “Former President Bill Clinton has decided to go to Wisconsin to campaign against Scott Walker in the final days of the battle over whether to recall the Wisconsin Governor, a move that could give a boost to the anti-Walker forces in a campaign that will depend heavily on who turns out to vote, a source familiar with Clinton’s plans confirms to me.” (Greg Sargent, “It’s Official: Bill Clinton Heading To Wisconsin To Campaign Against Scott Walker,” The Washington Post , 5/31/12)

And Clinton Offered No Defense Yesterday Of Obama When Asked Why He Didn’t Campaign In Wisconsin, Saying Only “I Don’t Know.” CNBC’s MARIA BARTIROMO: “Why do you think President Obama stayed away? He didn’t campaign? Some of your colleagues are frustrated by that.” PRESIDENT CLINTON: “I don’t know. You’ll have to ask them.” (CNBC’s “Closing Bell,” 6/5/12)


Wisconsin Democrats Are “Seething” That The DNC Has Not Been Involved In The Recall Effort. “Local Democrats are seething that the national party has been MIA from their recall effort. The state’s largest newspaper argued over the weekend that whatever Walker’s sins, he doesn’t deserve to be booted from office.” (David Catanese, “Dems Limp To Finish In Wisconsin,” Politico, 5/21/12)

  • A Top Wisconsin Democrat Party Official: “‘We Are Frustrated By The Lack Of Support From The Democratic National Committee…” “‘We are frustrated by the lack of support from the Democratic National Committee and the Democratic Governors Association,’ a top Wisconsin Democratic Party official tells me. ‘Scott Walker has the full support and backing of the Republican Party and all its tentacles. We are not getting similar support.’” (Greg Sargent, “Wisconsin Dems Furious With DNC For Refusing To Invest Big Money In Walker Recall,” The Washington Post , 5/14/12)

Former Wisconsin Democrat Nominee For Governor Ed Garvey Criticized The White House For Avoiding The Race Saying, “People Are Not Happy With Obama And [Vice President] Biden For Not Coming Out Here, That’s For Sure.” “Ed Garvey, a longtime Democratic activist and the party’s nominee for Wisconsin governor in 1998, criticized the White House for avoiding the race. ‘People are not happy with Obama and [Vice President] Biden for not coming out here, that’s for sure,’ he said. ‘I’ve never seen a more risk-averse candidate or officeholder than Barack Obama.’” (Cameron Joseph, “Dems, Labor Fallout Begins In Wis.,” The Hill’s Ballot Box, 6/5/12)

The DNC’s “Tentativeness” About Engaging In The Wisconsin Recall Election Has Upset Local Activists. “The DNC’s tentativeness about plunging into the contest, which Republicans attribute to fears that a loss would tarnish President Obama’s chances in the state, has irked some local activists, who note that two-thirds of Walker’s $25 million haul came from out of state, while the RNC pledged to go “all in” to protect their imperiled star.” (Alex Altman, “Why The Coalition Trying To Recall Scott Walker Is Splintering,” Time’sSwampland, 5/21/12)

“Top Wisconsin Democrats Are Furious” That The DNC Refused Their Request For A Major Investment In The Battle To Recall Scott Walker. “Top Wisconsin Democrats are furious with the national party — and the Democratic National Committee in particular — for refusing their request for a major investment in the battle to recall Scott Walker, I’m told.” (Greg Sargent, “Wisconsin Dems Furious With DNC For Refusing To Invest Big Money In Walker Recall,” The Washington Post , 5/14/12)

  • The Wisconsin Democrat Party Asked For $500,000 To Fund Its Field Operation – But The Money Never Appeared. “According to the Wisconsin Dem, the party has asked the DNC for $500,000 to help with its massive field operation. While the DNC has made generally supportive noises, the money has not been forthcoming, the official says — with less than a month until the June 5th recall election. The DNC did not immediately respond to a request for comment.” (Greg Sargent, “Wisconsin Dems Furious With DNC For Refusing To Invest Big Money In Walker Recall,” The Washington Post , 5/14/12)
  • The DNC Was “Tight-Fisted” And Refused Entreaties To Give The State Party Money. “The Democratic National Committee has been similarly tight-fisted. The DNC sent out a fundraising email for Barrett, and DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-Fla.) will be in Wisconsin for a fundraiser next week, but the national party has refused entreaties to give the state party money.” (Cameron Joseph, Kevin Bogardus, “Unions Angry With Democrats Over Lack Of Help In Wisconsin Governor’s Recall,” The Hill, 5/25/12)


A Union Official: “Labor Has Always Been There For The National Democratic Party. The National Democratic Party Should Be There For Labor In This Instance. They’re Not.” When asked about national Democrats’ support in the recall election, another union official scoffed. ‘Labor has always been there for the national Democratic Party. The national Democratic Party should be there for labor in this instance. They’re not,’ he said.” (Cameron Joseph, Kevin Bogardus, “Unions Angry With Democrats Over Lack Of Help In Wisconsin Governor’s Recall,” The Hill, 5/25/12)

  • A Union Official: “I Think They Would Want Their Voters Energized And Motivated For November. To Me, It’s Just Short-Sighted.” “‘I think they would want their voters energized and motivated for November. To me, it’s just short-sighted,’ the official said.” (Cameron Joseph, Kevin Bogardus, “Unions Angry With Democrats Over Lack Of Help In Wisconsin Governor’s Recall,” The Hill, 5/25/12)

In 2007, Obama Promised To “Walk On that Picket Line With” Unions. “And if American workers are being denied their right to organize when I’m in the White House, I will put on a comfortable pair of shoes and I will walk on that picket line with you as President of the United States.” (Senator Barack Obama, Remarks In Spartanburg, South Carolina, 11/3/07)

  • But As The Recall Campaign Began, Obama “Declined Union Invitations To Go To Wisconsin,” Despite His Promise To “Walk The Picket Line” During His 2008 Campaign. “It didn’t help that Obama declined union invitations to go to Wisconsin, where thousands of protesters mobilized against the anti-union measure. Candidate Obama had promised to ‘put on sneakers’ and walk a picket line himself when union rights were threatened.” (Sam Hananel, “Labor Unions Adjust To New Reality Under Obama,” The Associated Press 9/4/11)

For Organized Labor, The Loss Raises “Fundamental Questions About What They Can Deliver Going Forward.” “And for organized labor, this is the race that will either prove they remain a potent force to be feared/loved, or raise fundamental questions about just what they can deliver going forward.” (Chris Cillizza, Aaron Blake, “Wisconsin Recall: Scott Walker Enters Final Week With Edge,” The Washington Post’s The Fix , 5/29/12)

Politico: “Labor Faces A Moment Of Truth In Wisconsin” (Ben Smith & Maggie Haberman, “Labor Faces A Moment Of Truth In Wisconsin,” Politico2/21/11)

  • “A Large-Scale Defeat In Wisconsin Will Have A Devastating Ripple Effect.”“Yet that sense of determined harmony comes at a potentially steep cost, and with no clear endgame. Some strategists and labor officials watching the protest conflagration from the outside are beginning to fret that a large-scale defeat in Wisconsin will have a devastating ripple effect, weakening labor state by state throughout the rest of the country.” (Ben Smith & Maggie Haberman, “Labor Faces A Moment Of Truth In Wisconsin,” Politico2/21/11)

“Top Union Officials Are Lashing Out At Washington Democrats, Claiming They Haven’t Done Enough To Help Them Unseat Gov. Scott Walker (R) In Wisconsin’s Recall Election.” “Top union officials are lashing out at Washington Democrats, claiming they haven’t done enough to help them unseat Gov. Scott Walker (R) in Wisconsin’s recall election. President Obama has been silent on the race since his campaign released a statement endorsing Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett (D) immediately after his primary victory two weeks ago. The Obama campaign is helping Barrett with get out the vote operations, but the president has not publicly mentioned the race.” (Cameron Joseph and Kevin Bogardus, “Unions Angry With Dems Over Lack Of Help In Wisconsin,” The Hill, 5/25/12)

International Association of Fire Fighters President Harold Schaitberger: “I’m Very Disappointed That The DNC Has Not Seen Fit To Make A Dollar Investment.”“International Association of Fire Fighters President Harold Schaitberger acknowledged the DNC’s help on the ground but said a major cash investment would have been worth a lot more. ‘I’m very disappointed that the DNC has not seen fit to make a dollar investment,’ Schaitberger said. ‘When you’re facing $25 million or more in super-PAC funds, you need money. The campaign needed funds to get up on the air to fight back. … I think that would have been a good investment going into November.’” (Cameron Joseph, Kevin Bogardus, “Unions Angry With Democrats Over Lack Of Help In Wisconsin Governor’s Recall,” The Hill, 5/25/12)

Gerry McEntee, President Of The American Federation Of State, County And Municipal Employees (AFSCME) Said National Democrats Could Have Done More In The Wisconsin Recall Race. “Gerry McEntee, president of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME), said more could and should have been done in the effort to remove Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R) from office by the national party.” (Kevin Bogardus, “Public Sector Union Head Says Dems Could Do More For Wisconsin Recall,” The Hill, 5/31/12)

  • McEntee: “We Think That There Could Have Been More Responsibility, More Work On Behalf Of The National Democratic Party.” “‘We think that there could have been more responsibility, more work on behalf of the national Democratic Party. I think the Democratic Party in Wisconsin did basically everything that they could and can,’ McEntee said. ‘We think they could and should have done more.’” (Kevin Bogardus, “Public Sector Union Head Says Dems Could Do More For Wisconsin Recall,” The Hill , 5/31/12)
  • McEntee: The National Democrats Not Doing More Has “Hurt.” “‘I think it’s only logical to say that if you think they could have done more then that it has hurt a bit. If they did more, it would have helped some more. I think that did hurt a little bit,’ McEntee said.” (Kevin Bogardus, “Public Sector Union Head Says Dems Could Do More For Wisconsin Recall,” The Hill , 5/31/12)

Union Requests For Administration Officials To Appear In Wisconsin Were “Rebuffed” By The White House. “Union leaders urged Vice President Joe Biden during a White House meeting last month to go to Wisconsin and rally the faithful in their fight against Gov. Scott Walker’s move to curtail collective bargaining rights for most public employees. Request rebuffed, they asked for Labor Secretary Hilda Solis. So far, however, the White House has stayed away from any trips to Madison, the state capital, or other states in the throes of union battles.” (Sam Hananel, “Promises, Promises: Obama Shies Away From Protests,” The Associated Press3/12/11)

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