Let Them Pump Algae

Obama Has Talked About Algae While Failing To Address High Gas Prices



Yesterday, In Miami, President Barack Obama: “We’re making new investments in the development of gasoline and diesel and jet fuel that’s actually made from a plant-like substance — algae. You’ve got a bunch of algae out here, right? If we can figure out how to make energy out of that, we’ll be doing all right. Believe it or not, we could replace up to 17 percent of the oil we import for transportation with this fuel that we can grow right here in the United States. And that means greater energy security. That means lower costs. It means more jobs. It means a stronger economy.” (President Obama, Remarks On Energy At The University Of Miami, Miami, FL, 2/23/12)


2011: Obama Said That We Need To “Accelerate” Research In Biofuels Like “Woodchips And Algae.” OBAMA:”I’m a big supporter of biofuels. But one of the things that’s become clear is, is that we need to accelerate our basic research in ethanol and other biofuels that are made from things like woodchips and algae as opposed to just focusing on corn, which is probably the least efficient energy producer of these various other approaches.” (President Obama, Remarks In A Twitter Town Hall, Washington, D.C., 7/6/11)

2010: Obama’s Assistant Secretary For Energy Efficiency And Renewable Energy Cathy Zoi Said That We Need To Develop “Advanced Biofuels Made From Algae”“‘The United States must find effective ways to hasten the development of technologies for advanced biofuels made from algae and other renewable resources to reduce our need for foreign sources of oil,’ Assistant Secretary for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Cathy Zoi said in the announcement.” (Wendy Koch, “Obama Funds Research Into Algae-Based Biofuels,” USA Today , 6/29/10)

2009: The Obama Administration Invested $600 Million To “Build Plants That Turn Wood Chips, Cornstalks And Algae Into Fuel.” “The federal government is speeding up plans to produce more renewable fuels, announcing Friday it will spend nearly $600 million to help build plants that turn wood chips, cornstalks and algae into fuel. The government will team up with private companies to create 19 biorefinery projects in 15 states. The government’s $564 million share will come from stimulus funds and will be combined with $700 million in private investments. The ideas range from scooping up algae from ponds in New Mexico and converting it to jet fuel to using wood waste from a wall panel company in Michigan to make ethanol.” (John Seewer, “Some $600 Million To Go To Biorefinery Projects,” The Associated Press, 12/5/09)

2008: Obama Said That We Could Use “ Algae, Pond Scum” For Energy. OBAMA: “And the nice thing about this area, biofuels and alternative energy, is you can actually tailor the fuel production to what exists in a particular community. So in some communities, wood chips may be right and you can put some of the old paper mills back to work. In some areas, it might be algae, pond scum that is converted into energy. The question is, is the federal government really approaching this the same way that J.F.K. approached us going to the moon.” (Senator Barack Obama, Remarks At A Rally, Nelsonville, OH, 3/2/08)

2008: Obama Campaign Senior Advisor Jason Grumet: Obama Supports Funding For “Algae And Chicken Manure.” GRUMET: “There are people who are making great strides making petroleum alternatives from everything from algae to chicken manure. Senator Obama has supported the recent farm bill which decreases the current subsidies for traditional ethanol and provides a significant increase in incentives for these new low carbon alternatives.” (Obama Campaign Senior Advisor Jason Grumet, Remarks At A Obama Campaign Teleconference On Energy, 6/23/08)

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